Facing Foreclosure?
If you've received a Notice of Default or Notice of Trustee Sale and you would prefer to keep your home, there may be ways to do this. Please call/text Lisa at 808-223-1903 or use the form below.
If you've received a Notice of Default or Notice of Trustee Sale and would prefer to sell your home and get a fresh start, there are ways to do this whether you are 120 days, 60-90 days or even 30 days or less from the date of your Foreclosure Sale. In today's market you could very possibly walk away with money in your pocket to start anew. Call or text Lisa at 808-223-1903 to find out what options are available to you.
If you are facing a Foreclosure Sale in 45 days or less, please call 808-223-1903 for the best options available.
Sell your asset,
Lessen your burden.
Get a Fresh Start.
There is potentially good news for you if you decide to sell your home in today's market. You could pay off what you owe on the mortgage in full and may even walk away with money in your pocket from the sale. You don't need approval from your mortgage services to sell your home, but you should definitely notify them of your plans.
Call Lisa today at 877-444-3742 or use the contact form below to find out options for selling your home and moving forward feeling more empowered!
Facing possible foreclosure can feel overwhelming but you may have more options that you realize. The important thing to remember is that the quicker you take action, the less costly it will be.
If you have not already done so, you must communicate with your mortgage servicer (the company that handles your mortgage payments). Let them know you are facing hardship and ask if there are options for pausing or reducing your payments. Then call or text Lisa at 808-223-1903 to find out options for putting this crisis behind you.